
Showing posts from December, 2006

Where's my Fox Trot?!

Is it true that Fox Trot is going to Sundays only? No! The announcement here . UPDATE 12/30/2006: Thank you Bill Amend. See this comic at goComics or

Saddam and the Death Penalty

From the news reports, it looks like Saddam Hussein will be meeting his maker soon. I’m not holding my breath but if the new Iraqi government truly has some balls, then he’ll be a gonner. As I was reading the reports, I took some notice to the European perspective. Did I get this correctly? They don’t want him dead? I am a supporter of capital punishment… except when it comes to my state. It sounds weird, I know, but let me go on. Personally, I do not approve of capital punishment. I don’t believe that killing a killer is necessary for justice to be served. The possibility of killing an innocent person is also too great to ignore. Plus, why get rid of someone who could be useful? While I do not approve of the death penalty, I am more than comfortable leaving a society or other states to decide for itself if the death penalty is appropriate. If Texans decide that they want to use the capital punishment, it’s okay by me. When it comes to Michiganders and this state however, t

Another Holiday Down

Ah, now I can finally unwind! Merry Christmas everyone. I hope that you all had a great holiday with the people you love. I wish I could say that with the retailing going back down to normal, I will be posting more often. Unfortunately, thing may be radically changing. I honestly don’t know where I’ll be in the next few weeks. Some life-adjusting decisions are going to be made soon. I ask that you keep me in your thoughts and send some good karma my way.

All I want for Christmas is...

… Optimus Prime . When I was around five or six, I desperately wanted Transformer toys. Transformers were one of my favorite cartoon shows. Unlike most of the other cartoons I watched, the toys made for this show were actually interesting. My parents managed to get me a few of the lesser known characters as they were cheaper but I wanted the big daddy of them all. I wanted Optimus Prime. My earliest “evil” thought that I can remember deals with this toy. Sigsbee Elementary was behind my house and across a canal that I had to cross via a foot bridge. Although there were two parks at either end of my block, the school had the best equipment. So when I could, I went over there. I remember this kid who was playing with Optimus Prime along the wooden railway. It was in truck mode and he was making it go back and forth on his wheels. He had to be a kindergartener, which was a year younger than I. I watched him carefully making note that occasionally, he would leave Optimus behin

Long Ass Movie Meme

I got the following from facebook and it reminded me of PJS . I'm sure he would be as disappointed as I am about the lack of real movies on the list. Of course if they were on there, there'd be less marks from me. :-P There's no expectation to see this on any of your sites. It's incredibly long but through it you might find something more about me. It's all about me here, you know. SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 85 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 239 movies on this list. Copy this list, go to your own facebook account, paste this as a note. Then, put x's next to the movies you've seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun! ( ) Rocky Horror Picture Show (x) Grease (x) Pirates of the Caribbean (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest ( ) Boondock Saints ( ) Fight Club ( ) Starsky and Hutch (x) Neverending Story ( ) Blazing Saddles (x) Airplane Total: 5

This could be a good thing.

For a while, I’ve shied away from talking about work. You never know when a future employer may google your name. But I have to say that in a few weeks I’ll probably be either unemployed or a store manager. My boss says she’s leaving. I’m the natural candidate to replace her. Trouble is, I don’t want to be a store manager of a candy store. I’m destined for something else. I just know it.

Anyone need some wood?

One of our trees in the front yard was cut down a couple days ago. Dad asked if he could keep the wood. Great. As if we don’t have enough crap lying around the place already!

A Distrubing Txt

Late yesterday afternoon I got a text message from my high school friend, Chris. I rarely get messages from him. It contained the following: If a fat guy grabs you and stuffs you in a bag, don't be scared. I asked Santa for a cock sucker this Christmas! I stood there stunned, stupefied. My mind would not properly process the information. Was this a joke? I've heard similar remarks from him but never directed towards me. I'm a mess of emotions and none of them positive. It's like I've been kicked in the gut. I'm not quite sure how to handle this. Part of me wants to go burn down his house. All over a txt. UPDATE 15 DEC 2006: I talked about this to Sara, a mutual friend. Turns out that she got the same text and as you may have noticed in the comments, Season did as well. Glad that I was a victim of my own paranoia. Kinda feeling a little humiliated over it. It makes me wonder though, if I owe most of the people that I know an actual sit down and for

Hers was Dec. 8th.

Nothing further to report on Nanay’s funeral arraignments. Since today is the anniversary of Pearl Harbor , I wanted to share a short little piece of history that was passed on to me about my grandmother. As the relationship between the United States and Japan deteriorated, this country felt that an attack by Japan would be committed against their installations in the far east and not in the mid Pacific. That is probably why the bases in the Philippines had the only Japanese decoder outside of Washington. (Well, the British had a couple too.) Pearl Harbor was dealt the first strike but the Philippines was hit shortly after, eventually becoming occupied by the Japanese. My grandmother’s family was well off during the American Imperial period. From what I was told, they were wealthy land owners. When the Japanese came, the local population fled into the mountains. Two of three of my Nanay’s sisters were killed. Their lands were taken away. At the end of the war, there wasn’t muc

I don't know what I feel.

<<--See Also: I Feel Nothing We got a phone call a few hours ago from my Aunt Lolita. My Nanay (maternal grandmother) died. I was hoping for a few more years. I wanted to go back there for my first vacation on my own. Now I won’t go back and see her. My last living link that keeps a part of my heart in that country is now gone. To be quite frank, the only family that I have left from my mother’s side is my Aunt Connie and her two kids who live in Illinois and my Aunt Lolita who lives in Arkansas. I’m not sure what exactly I am feeling right now. I feel some sorrow over it but I’m not surprised or anything. She was an old lady and I knew her time was getting short. The last time I saw her, I made sure to remember as much as I could because it may have been the last time I saw her alive. It turned out true. Other than Nanay’s death, I don’t know much else. My Aunt Connie won’t be able to make the trip back and I’m not sure about my Aunt Lolita. Dad asked me if I would b

I know. I've been slacking.

Sorry for the lack of quality posting. --Not that they were ever of quality in the first place. :-P Things have picked up and I haven’t had the energy in trying to put out some posts. You all can forgive me, right? Work has picked up naturally. Strangely enough, it hasn’t been as stressful as I thought it would be. In comparison to working at K-mart and Wal-mart , this has been a walk in the park. The juniors are doing a lot better but getting them to interact with customers is still difficult. One of them quit in the middle of last week and it threw the holiday schedule out of whack. So I have been picking up some of the slack. To hopefully fix the situation, there was an on the spot hire two days ago. The new guy has impressed me with how much he picked up in one day. Now, if I can only get him to speak. The other night I went out for Justin’s birthday. It was a good time. Him, his wife, Erin and I went to Hana Yori’s for dinner. It was my first time going to the Jap

Got fifty?

I've seen this particular meme on four other sites that I view. Might as well jump on the bandwagon even though no one tagged me. (ahem) 1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I need a haircut. What time am I working on Tuesday? (Tuesday is when haircuts for men are $10 at the mall.) 2. How much cash do you have on you? $11.65 (And it has to last until Thursday) 3. What’s a word that rhymes with “door?” Whore. (Where’s my mind at you ask? Well, Cherry took the first word came to me. Whore was the second.) 4. Favorite planet? Earth. The only one I’ve been on. 5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? Ashley. An old co-worker. It was probably the night that she tried to get me to go to the strip club with her. 6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? I don’t have any. Those frakkers cost too much. But… when I had Virgin Mobile, it was Fraggle Rock. 7. What shirt are you wearing? Red

Dodged the Bullet

You call that a snowstorm? Ha ha. The big winter storm that swept through the Midwest barely touched us. Other areas were not so lucky. See Herb and Robert as well as this article . I heard that Grand Rapids was virtually shut down. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to enjoy a little sunshine. It may be 30 degrees but at least it's shining.