
Showing posts from March, 2010

I Hope

I've got to stop blogging for a while. Things have occurred and I don't think I can deal with this right now. I would share but it's humiliating and I don't feel like sharing it with the world. I hope to be back. Maybe with my next update I'll be writing from a better place. David.

It couldn't have hurt

This YouTube channel is awesome! h/t to HISHEdotcom

Walking up to the Interstate

I went up to the family farm today. I haven’t gone since mid-fall because I’m paranoid about overtaxing my car. Really, it’s almost 90 minutes worth of driving. When I got there I could see that it was still too wet to drive up so I parked at the entrance. After I was done with my business, I looked off to the interstate and it seemed to me that it was a little more open than I last remembered. A long time ago--shoot I was still in elementary—a lady from the gov’t stopped by and showed my grandparents a map. When I asked, I was told that the state was buying up some of their land up next to the interstate. According to my grandpa, it didn’t really change anything. I’m not sure if we are farming land that is officially the state’s or we were never farming the land they bought in the first place. What I did notice was that there was a free access point where there had been shrub and a barbed wire fence. Aside from the highway railing, there was nothing preventing me from walking

Love ko ‘to

I forgot to pack my lunch today. Okay, I didn’t. I was running late and didn’t have time to make one so I knew I would have to hit up one of the fast food joints down the road. By the time lunch was rolling around, I had a craving for some chicken nuggets from McDonalds. I only had five bucks so the pan was to get a 10 piece which is 3-something and a coke. When I got there, I got a pleasant surprise. There was a 1-day special. Six piece for $1. So I got 12 pieces for $2 plus my drink. As I was being handed my order, I was told that I was the 25th customer and I would be getting a certificate for a free value meal. (Apparently that day every 25th customer got one.) Lovely. I got more for less and I got a free meal in the future. I love it.

Overthinking Yoda

Raise your hand if you thought Yoda was a “human.” I don’t know about the rest of you but I raised my hand. When I was young I was too smart for Star Wars. So smart I was dumb. I won’t get into why humans were in a galaxy far far away, existing in the past but seemingly living in the future. Nor will I discuss how measuring time using units of distance was wrong. Let me just talk about Yoda. First I knew that some species that looked “human” were infesting the Star Wars galaxy. I mean they were everywhere . They couldn’t be real humans because real humans are here, in our galaxy, in our time. So if they weren’t humans than their condition must be different. I seriously thought that these humans had long life spans like 1,000 years. It’s just that at the end of their lives they ended up all short and pruney like Yoda. What sold me on that idea was when Yoda says to look “When nine hundred years you reach, look as good you will not.” Surely that means that in 900 years, Luke w