
Showing posts from January, 2017

Maybe Get Rid of Comment Sections?

I generally don’t like to read comments made on news articles. Maybe I’m a bit of a snob but I am surrounded by idiots and I don’t want to read their opinions on things. Recently, a local man was reported missing. His body was then found. Things like this aren’t unheard of around here. What made this bit of news stick out for me were the reactions to it. Granted, most people commenting were expressing messages of sympathy but there were quite a few people who could not help but stir up the pot with their ignorance and bigotry. Mostly, it was the assumption that this man was Muslim. It amazed me that people because this man was wearing a turban, he must be Muslim. Because he has dark skin and hair, he must be from the middle east. Therefore—terrorist. It made me so mad because all the information was there so show that this man was a Sikh from South Asia. Pointing that out to some of these commenters didn’t make a difference. It's bad enough that people equate Muslims with Ter

We Survived!

Count me as one of those people riding on the Fuck 2016 Bandwagon. With the election of Donald Trump and the latest spate of celebrity deaths it is the popular thing to do—hating on this past year. Personally, the year wasn’t that great for me either. Not to say that there weren’t some highlights but overall, I’m glad to put it behind me. So I have survived and now am looking forward to this upcoming year. I’m not going to make any resolutions but I am going to make new attempts at making my life better.