
Showing posts from May, 2010

When Fashion Does Not Make Sense

Seriously, these people are just fucking dumb.

I’m hot. No really, I am.

The weather probably isn’t the first thing I would want to talk about when taking up the blog again but whadda ya gonna do? Spring has been dry this year but the temps have been cool until the past weekend. We hit 88 today (or 31 for you metric people) it wiped me out. It is by no means a hot day but when the temps climb from the low to mid 60’s to the high 80’s all of the sudden, I do not react well. I’m feeling sticky and nasty. Ugh. I’m fighting tooth and nail trying to stay in the area and finding a place to live. If I don’t find a place by July 1st, the plan is to head to Florida. A friend of a friend has kindly offered me a place to crash. There may be some hope, though, as a higher position has opened up in the company that I work for. This is good news, as I like the company. So wish me luck! V had its season finale not too long ago. I’m glad that ABC has decided to renew it for another season. I do not have a great opinion of the alphabet networks as they continuou