I do blame the computer for this.


Sooo-this-is-me said…
Good luck with your new position David! Don't worry you will do fine, your a smarty pants so I know you will learn quickly! :)

A cute guy like you needs to get out of the cow pastures and into a city where you can find a boy-toy of your very own! ;)
Kristel said…
I think you should try contacts... whatever happened about that anyway?
David said…
@Steven: If the pregnant gal decides to quit and stay with the baby, I'm hoping that they would consider letting me stay on in her position. I mean, why go through the trouble of training yet another person, right? Should that happen, I will definitely staying on one more year (it looks better on the resume) before looking for another job elsewhere.

@Kris: I will but I have to hold off on that for now.
john said…
Good luck!! You'll do fine.

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