Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Chrismahanakwanzakah...

...or Happy Holidays!

I went to the post office this afternoon to get some extra stamps. I left with a a sheet of Kwanzaa stamps! How awesome is that? I was expecting the standard holiday ones which are nutcrackers this year. The lady asked me if it was okay if she gave the Kwanzaa to me. What was I gonna say? Perhaps, "no, I want one with baby Jesus!" Geeze, a stamp's a stamp.

I like it because I know that it is going to throw some of the people I wrote to off guard but most of them will probably find it amusing that I'm using it. I'm not African. Neither are they except for K. One person that I would really like to see when he reads it is J. He's probably going to throw a fit. He's the kind of guy that doesn't like students to take Spanish class because it's a symptom of the Mexicans coming in and taking over the country. So I can just imagine how threatened he is with this intruding on his Christian holiday. Oh J.--he's such bigot.

Next year, I'm going ask for the Jewish set.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Kind of like the people who rant about saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas and yet they never set foot in a church or take part in any religious Christmas celebrations.

David said...

When I was working in retail, were "encouraged" to say Happy Holidays to be PC. Inevitably, however, you would get that one customer who would whine and pout about us not saying Merry Christmas. I just roll my eyes and inside I'm saying, "get over it." Then I feel guilty because I end up a little more cranky about this time of year and you know we shouldn't be.

Kapitano said...

He's the kind of guy that doesn't like students to take Spanish class...

You do seem to know a lot of stupid and unpleasant people. And send them Christmas (holiday) cards. Presumably they have some big redeeming features.

I'm going to wish everyone I know a Happy Hanukkah. Because:

(a) I'm not Jewish
(b) Neither are they
(c) If you want a celebration that isn't completely debased, it's better than Christmas.

David said...

Oh I do know quite a lot but I don't send cards to them. J. is an exception because his better half is one of my good friends.

Stacey said...

now I want to know who J. is.... hmmmm,

David said...

Now, now, Stacey, if I wanted people to know, I would have used his real name.

Ms Mac said...

The Christmas stamps I've received on cards from the UK this week have had a pantomime Captain Hook on them. I think that sums up the spirit of this time of year perfectly. If you're British, of course.

Third Post Office 's the Charm!

The Betty White stamps went on sale today. The Niles post office still had theirs in a vault and was waiting on someone to release them. I w...