Saturday, November 14, 2009

I wouldn’t say it was an unlucky day.

Friday the 13th, for me, has always been a good day. This time, it was shaping up to be an awesome, fun-filled day. Sara and Adam had agreed a while ago to come with me to the gay bar to see the annual drag pageant. One of our classmates, Jon was supposed to be competing and they wanted to see him all decked out. A couple days ago, it looked like they were going to back out as Sara claimed that she could only get a babysitter for her son up to 2300. But then in the morning she texted me saying that she was going so I assumed that she was good to go for an all-nighter. She even asked if I wanted to catch dinner and some bowling. Sounds like fun to me. Also in the plan was to meet Lee and Jamie, who are coworkers of mine, at the bar.

So things went to hell.

I was anticipating meeting up at 1830 for dinner but we had to wait for Adam who didn’t show up until 1945. That was pushing the time since it was would be another half hour to get to Mishawaka for dinner. That wouldn’t leave much time for bowling, so dinner was scrapped for some finger food at a bowling alley in Niles. I believe I have said it before on this blog, but I don’t bowl very often. I’d say more than five, but less than ten, so I can still use my hands to count how any times I’ve done it. We ended up playing three games. I won the first and last but we all suck so that’s not saying too much. I did bowl my best ever. 110. Woo hoo. I finally broke the triple digits.

When we were done, Sara asked me if there was anyone that I was planning to meet up at the gay bar. She needed to know if I had a way to get home. Errr… Sara was my ride home. Turns out that she still had to get her kid by 2300 and that she was planning to just sit there for a few minutes to check out Jon and then go home. I was pissed. It was around 2130 and so I told them we needed to book it back home so I could get my car which would put me at least 45 minutes late to the pageant. So since she had to drive me all the way home, she just thought it best that she not go—but that I should take pictures and send them to her.


By the time I got home, got my car, stopped by the gas station and ATM, I was nearly an hour late. I had estimated that the pageant would only be two hours or less. Really. The ones on television are only about that long and they’ve got like 50+ contestants. This place would have three maybe four. Thankfully I was wrong as it ended up going for almost four.

It turns out that our classmate, Jon, wasn’t in the show as I spotted him in the audience with his friends. I had a little short chat with him. He told me that he was going to do it next year. To be honest, I’m not sure he quite remembers me. He never did use my name and never asked me anything more than my general welfare. I took an empty seat near the side bar but still within earshot of him. I was ignored for the rest of the show. Ass.

While I did see Jon, Lee and Jamie were nowhere to be found. They skipped out and I wasn’t too happy. Jon, the only person that I know, didn’t seem to care that I was there and there was no one else that I knew. The best conversation that I had was with the lesbo next to me while we were making some snarky comments about a contestant (who seem incapable of smiling).

The pageant itself was very entertaining. I think that my only gripe with it was that so much of it was lip-synching and trolling for money. Seeing a drag queen shaking hips, lips, and pointing to people can only last so long before it gets boring. But there were a few numbers that seemed more creative and even artistic. The person that I thought did the best job ended up winning. It was very much deserved.

So this may be my last posting for a while. I am about to upgrade my computer. It’s no spring chicken and it has plenty of programs on it. I heard that it can take up to a day. Geeze, I hope it’s not nearly as bad as that.


Kristel said...

The contestant at the top actually looks like someone I went to school with. :P

Stacey said...

i wish i could bring you on assignment with me... we could go to gay bars and go bowling all of the time! when I am home around Christmas- maybe you can come over for some Wii bowling. It is almost as fun but cheaper! when are you going to FL? Kraig and I are going to Vegas Dec 20-24 so that kind of eats up a bunch of my time off around Christmas, but hopefully! maybe they have a Christmas installment of the drag show?

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