<<--See also: “Happy Birthday America and Various States,” “Celebrating 230 Years,” and “My Fourth of July Celebration.”
I came close to sitting out this year’s celebration. With Erin and her husband off doing their own thing and really… no one else to hang out with , I would have felt weird going to a fireworks display all alone. Fortunately, last minute plans with an old friend, Dusty, was made to go up to Saint Joseph to see theirs.
Dusty has been working for one of this country’s largest electrical/appliance companies. Seriously, it’s a stunning position that leaves me green not with Spartan pride, but with envy. However, he’s one cool cat and I am honestly happy for him also.
I think things went well and except for some painfully awkward conversation at the end of the night, I’d do it again. Oh—and I would skip out the really creepy YouTube videos that my sister called up.
*Inscription on the Liberty Bell, taken from Leviticus 25:10.
1 comment:
He started it. :P
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