Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'd say it's even worse than spam.

I’m beginning to think more and more that my Aunt is one of those scary Republicans. I hate some of these forwards that she emails me because they play on readers’ fears. One that I got a while ago told me to refuse to use the one dollar coins because “In God We Trust” is not on there. In fact, the national motto is engraved on the coin. It’s on the edges. I wrote her back saying, “People just don't see all sides of the issue. Not only will continue to use the dollar coin. I actually support the discontinuation of the dollar bill.” I also included a picture of the dollar coin with the motto visible just for her future reference.

Well now the following has shown up in my inbox:
How Budweiser handled those who laughed at those who died on the 11th of September 2001…

Thought you might like to know what happened in a little town north of Bakersfield, California.

After you finish reading this, please forward this story on to others so that our nation and people around the world will know about those who laughed when they found out about the tragic events in New York, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon.

On September 11th, a Budweiser employee was making a delivery to a convenience store in a California town named McFarland. He knew of the tragedy that had occurred in New York when he entered the business to find the two Arabs, who owned the business, whooping and hollering to show their approval and support of this treacherous attack.

The Budweiser employee went to his truck, called his boss and told him of the very upsetting event! He didn’t’ feel he could be in that store with those horrible people. His boss asked him, “Do you think you could go in there long enough to pull every Budweiser product and item our beverage company sells there? We’ll never deliver to them again.”

The employee walked in, proceeded to pull every single product his beverage company provided and left with an incredible grin on his face. He told them never to bother to call for a delivery again.

Budweiser happens to be the beer of choice for that community. Just letting you know how Kern County handled this situation. And now the rest of the story:

It seems that the Bud driver and the Pepsi man are neighbors. Bud called Pepsi and told him. Pepsi called his boss who told him to pull all Pepsi products as well!!! That would include Frito Lay, etc. Furthermore, word spread and all vendors followed suit! At last report, the store was closed indefinitely.

Good old American passive-aggressive a$$ whoppin’!

On its face, this message reeked of bullshit. Understandable since it’s not true. Yes there were people who were cheered for the 9-11 attacks but this message plays on people’s xenophobia and nationalism. I responded once more and told her that this story is not true.

I’ve always thought my Aunt was a good woman but the more I have to deal with her fear baiting and her righteous homophobia, I am questioning that judgment.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Sometimes I get those silly stories as well, my close friends know enough not to send them to me. I think in a way, it is just another form of a chain letter.

Stacey said...

i understand what you are saying about those stupid stories.. and the sadder part that people believe them and base their opinions on them I mean I guess everyone has their own values.. their own standards.. and their own beliefs which they base their opinions on.. but it drives me crazy when people blow issues out of proportion.. like pepole saying they are not going to vote for Obama because he wont wear a flag lapel pin... I mean cmon people. I wish people would pay attention to real issues and not the little stuff and then try to base the big issues on that.. Obviously what you wrote about hit a little nerve with me! If people olnly were this concerned about important matters!Stop Global Warming! Save the Manatee!- to name a few.

Anonymous said...

Holy-Moly. Maybe auntie needs a little anti-brainwash-pill. Let me see if I still have one lying around...

Kapitano said...

So someone sends you a bullshit story, and you gently correct their mistake. How do they respond? They ignore the correction and send you more bullshit - and offensive bullshit at that.

If a friend behaved like that, we'd stop calling them a friend and jettison them pretty quick. But when a relative does it, it seems much more difficult to come to that stage.

But it's easy for me to say that - most of my family are worthless racists and I haven't spoken to them in years.

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