Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'd be a brilliant dad.

Generally speaking, I hate reality programming. The only one that I am a fan of is The Amazing Race (Say, aren’t we due for another season yet?). Fox is thinking about a show that I may have to check out if they decide to pick it up. It’s called “Bad Dads” and it’s about shaking down deadbeat dads.

I don’t feel angry over deadbeat dads—more like deadbeat parents. I don’t care if they are the mother or the father, but I know people that are horrible parents and don’t provide for their children. It riles me up even more when I hear of parents who can’t get off their lazy asses. Let me tell you about this gal:

A while back, the local judge heard a case about a young woman who was being charged for some misdemeanor. Her actual crime was no biggie but the judge asked her why she wasn’t working (it was pertinent to her case) and she replied that she had kids and because of that, she couldn’t work. I had a good laugh at that one. The judge didn’t buy the lame excuse and ordered her to get a job and look into day care instead of sponging off the state.

And there are the ones like the guy in the article who have kids but skip out and lead a comfortable life while not lifting a finger to help the family they left behind. I can’t even comprehend trying to pull something like that. I feel guilty leaving behind pets I don’t even own. Should I ever be fortunate to have a kid…

If there is one person that I’d like to see get chased down it would have to be David Snyder.

1 comment:

Cardinal said...

Unfortunately cases like these become the sounding horn for reform, but they ignore that there are actually people out there who cannot afford rent, groceries, utilities and daycare on a 40-hour a week job without government assistance. I agree that many moochers can be weeded out of the program, but people trying to make an honest living with what cards they have shouldn't be ignored either. That's what unnerves me when people bring up deadbeat parents.

Went back to Windows

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