Now, I'm by no means an A&F defender. In fact, I have railed against them in the past for its snooty business model. I make fun of their catalogs that seem to be more interested in showing off the body than the product. That's actually the intent--to sell a lifestyle, an image, a sense of coolness, to a bunch of model wannabes with cash.
Is it fair to say that the ads are lacking in good taste? Yes. But is it obscene? No. It's not depicting sexual acts or excretory functions. I can't even say that it's anywhere near being a "social taboo." It's partial nudity and it's barely even that.
Now if it was the mall that was telling the store to take down the advertisements rather than the city, I'd be okay with that. The mall is a private company and can make rules that can control the "expression" of the stores that lease their units.
I'd be interested in seeing a follow up article on this.
Well that is strange because I saw a lot worse ads by A&F than that one! I think it is tame compared to most.
So have I but to be honest, I never really found their ads to be appealing. It tries to be artsy but fails miserably.
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