Saturday, February 02, 2008

And now for something new...

I have been quietly hoping that my computer would break so that I would have an excuse to buy a new one. Perhaps an iMac or a PC that's times more powerful. The wrong thing broke. My digital camera died so I had to decide if I wanted to get a new one.

The camera that broke is a Sony Cybershot P-52. It was a gift from me by my father before I left for the Philippines in 2003. It was the first digital camera in the family. At the time, I was really impressed with it. It was small, high tech, and best of all, I never had to have someone develop film. To get the camera plus the 256MB memory card cost just over $300 if I remember correctly.

The new camera that I got is an Olympus FE-340. It was $199 at Best Buy and I got it as an impulse buy. Well it wasn't really an impulse buy as I did check out other models before I got it but I never planned on going into the store and actually making a purchase. But, it was right on the nose on what I was planning to spend and it had superior features to the current Sony Cybershot model that was retailing at the same price. I'm not one for reading manuals, especially some that seem to border on the size of a novella so I've been fiddling with it in between bouts of laundry. As ridiculous as it may seem, I'm actually digging the size of this camera. It's about half the size of the Sony--about the size of a pack of playing cards. Total price for this and a 1Gb memory card: $240.

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