Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What's Left of the Michigan Primary

As of this entry, the polls will be closing in about 45 minutes. Voting has been low here. The local station, WNDU reported that about 9 percent of eligible voters have voted. My dad told me that he had gone to New Troy and he was the only person that was there to vote. I joked with my boss about letting me go early so that I could vote. Yeah, like that was going to happen.

I heard from one source that Sen. McCain was ahead of Gov. Romney. I haven't seen any news that has polling numbers yet so I suppose I'll find out for sure tomorrow morning. Or, if I manage to stay up, later tonight when the late edition of the local news comes on.

Pundits say that Gov. Romney needs to come out on top or a the very least come in a very close second. A McCain win would bolster his position as the leading GOP candidate and would be solidified with a win in South Carolina.

I was watching the BBC World* doing a newscast on the race here. The journalist seemed to be a little surprised that most of the people she interviewed were saying that the economy was their number one concern. Well no shit Sherlock. Have you taken a good look around this state? No duh, it's the economy--at least for us Michiganders. I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on her it was just my gut reaction to her reporting. To be fair, it's not likely that BBC watchers would have known the context of what is motivating those voters.

Fox News had shown some Democrat voters who went and voted anyways despite the fact that they will have no voting delegates at the convention. Some of them seem pretty cheesed that they were "disenfranchised." I feel their outrage. Really, I do.

UPDATE 8:40pm:
It appears that Gov. Romney is actually in the lead. Again, no real numbers though.

UPDATE 10:50pm:
And Gov. Romney takes Michigan. So that's Huckabee-Iowa, McCain-New Hampshire, and Romney-Michigan. Who's next, Thompson for South Carolina? Guiliani for Florida? Does this mean that the Super Duper Tuesday states may actually get to decide?

*It's nice to have a foreign viewpoint on our own events sometimes.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Hey David, my foreign viewpoint of those events, blah blah blah American politics, blah blah blah, elections blah blah blah Mitt Romney takes Michigan! Really? Is he not kind of a little cracked? Oh wait a minute, you guys put Bush in twice, what was it G.W said, oh yes "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and um.. um.. er.. um.. then you must be Sadama Bin Laden!"

Have a good day Davy! ;)

David said...

You know, there's a reason why I don't watch CBC but I won't get into that now.

Went back to Windows

See also: "Going back to Windows?" It didn't take me long to pounce on a discount for the Surface Laptop 7. What did I get for...