Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Someone should invent laser shovels.

I was asking it when I made a comment on another person's blog about there not being a real snow event. Now we've got it. Yesterday, the snow started falling and it still hasn't stopped. The snow is about a foot deep with the drifts in our yard approaching 3'. This morning, I got up at 4:45 so I could start shoveling. I try to play shuffle the cars with my sister's and mother's cars only to have my sister's car be frozen shut and my mom's blocking me in. I get manage to finagle my mom's car out of the way only to find out a few moments later that my car wouldn't start. I needed to jump start the dang thing. I ended up blowing perfect attendance by one lousy minute at work. So there goes $50.*

What we've got going on right now is lake effect snow. (See this article to learn more about it.) There was a band over the area while I was trying to get back home from work. It figures that home would just be outside the band where my parent's are saying, "It's still snowing? We were done with that a while ago." Still, with lake effect, you never know if you'll end up with 6 inches or two feet of snow. So, I'll be up early again tomorrow.

Dusty asked me if I wanted to go skiing Friday afternoon. Darn college students with their school breaks! I would love to go but that pesky job is always in the way. I would have asked if he minded going this weekend but a warm spell is expected to melt away the snow by then. Hell, it's supposed be up into the fifties next week. (That would be around eleven degrees for you metric people.) Oh well, maybe next snow storm.

I wonder if this year we'll be able to build snow tunnels. I haven't been able to do that in... holy crap--decades.

*My company has a nice bonus that rewards perfect attendance. $50 each quarter that accumulates to $200 per quarter.


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Ha! Take that! Stop whining, it has not stopped here since November, we are building a snow ark! We are suppose to get up to 5 or 6 degrees Celsius this weekend, so exciting, everyone is ready to break out the speedos!
Don't worry about the $50, you know you would only end up spending it on booze, drugs or hookers as usual! ;)


Doug said...

I hear we technically had snow here in Florida, but I bet no one had to shovel anything.

David said...

@Steven: Just make sure you put some sun screen on.

@Doug: I've only seen frost in Florida... and poor residents trying to scrap it off their cars with credit cards.

Anonymous said...

You haven't done something decades? Haven't you only ever lived through about two of them total? You don't want to age yourself before your time, mister.

David said...

^I'm working on my third decade. Maybe I need a little aging because there are some bloggers [cough]JOHN[/cough] out there that think I am too young to hang out with.

Went back to Windows

See also: "Going back to Windows?" It didn't take me long to pounce on a discount for the Surface Laptop 7. What did I get for...