Saturday, November 24, 2007

Now for the restful part of the holiday.

Hey everybody, I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving and that you still have some holiday time left to enjoy.

This year we had the big family get together at my Aunt Julie’s house. It was decided since a lot of the family were going to see their in-laws, that we’d get together in the morning. It worked out pretty nicely. The only thing that was not fun was when I got stuck in the room with my Uncle Chris and his buddies. He’s got some uber rich friends because they were talking about getting together and going sailing. Of course, not now, but next summer. And they want to do sail boat racing! Yeah, my wallet only allows me to drive into town and see a movie and occasionally visit the bar. Clearly, I couldn’t insert myself into their conversation so I just sit back and listened to my music.

When we got back home, the house was prepared for Thanksgiving dinner. From this morning, My Uncle Art and his family plus my Grandma and Uncle Kenny were going to visit. Our credit union gave us a free turkey. It was small but it was very good. Not dry at all.

My Aunt Jessica, my sister and I were joking about camping out over at Best Buy or Circuit City for Black Friday. (For the foreigners, the day after Thanksgiving is a HUGE shopping day.) But do I really want to get in line at 12am for the chance of getting a computer for $300? Um, not really. And the snow shut down whatever little inklings I had. I have never gone shopping on Black Friday. I don’t like the crowds and traffic. I hate going to Grape Rd. on a regular weekend. I ain’t doing it on the busiest shopping day of the year.

My sister and I are going shopping today. Hopefully all the crazies are too pooped to come back out again.

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