Click *Power Off*

I am beginning to hate TV. I used to have it all the time. If I had a block of free time, I found a program that I would be interested in watching. If I didn't, I had it on as background noise. Lately, I've been getting a little apathetic about it. There aren't any new shows on this year that I am going to watch. At this point, I couldn't even tell you what's new this year. Then there are some shows that I may give up on because they aren't grabbing me like they used to.

The Amazing Race: Eh, it's alright but I'm not compelled to see what happens next. None of the teams stand out and I have to deal with Dad's snippy remarks about the lesbian daughter or the gay couple.

How I Met Your Mother: It took me about five minutes before I realized that I did not want to waste seven years (less or more depending how their show goes) of my life watching these people try to make a relationship. No interest in a multi-year are-they-gonna-get-together arc.

CSI: I think I'm a little crime scene'd out. Also, I'm kinda upset at George Eads. Quit changing your haircut!

That's pretty much all I've watched this week. Desperate Housewives doesn't seem to be too promising. However, this couch potato is not all down in the dumps. New seasons of Battlestar Galactica and Doctor Who are coming up!

I've been wondering. For those readers out there, I'd like to know how you use your television. Do you leave it on for background noise? If so, what do you leave on? If the TV has to be on, I put it on the news while my dad will put it on the Weather Channel.


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