Friday, September 22, 2006

I can see that.

Three posts in one day? Whoo, I'm on a roll! Credit needs to go to my old coworker, Donnie, who showed me a new Facebook group. It is an edited down list. I've been gone so long that I don't get some of the references. My old bones are groaning! :-P

You know you go to Michigan State University if...

- You worry about being tear gassed during March Madness
- You've had a dish of ice cream from the largest sundae you've ever seen
- Even though it's -10 degrees outside, you're still not wearing a coat to the bar
- You hit a duck/squirrel/person on your bike
- You enjoy watching other people hit a duck/squirrel/person on their bikes
- Midnight scream is the highlight of your exam week
- You're a master at understanding broken English because of your TA
- You've taken a tractor ride around campus
- Ernie the can man was your friend
- Brody Complex, you either love it or hate it
- You've had to close one eye while taking a test
- You play beer pong at least 3 times a week
- Tailgating just isn't the same; RIP season of '04
- You've never had Bell's pizza outside of the hours between 1am and 3am
- You've had Bell's pizza outside of the hours of 1am and 3am and don't understand how it can taste so bad
- You haven't seen your roommate for 3 days and aren't worried
- Tom Izzo is your personal hero
- Any time water from the Red Cedar gets on you promptly go to Olin for an E.Coli test
- You've been a part of the largest crowd for a Hockey game
- Chipping paint off a large rock just to see how many layers are on it sounds like fun to you
- Your student group got matching shirts for their bar crawl
- An 8am class is out of the question, but you've never been late for that 6am tailgate wake-up call
- got you through your Chemistry class
- Welcome week is your favorite time of year
- You were Permadrunk your first 3 weeks at school
- Beaners is your best friend
- You can use the term "Beaners" in a non-derogatory way
- You grumble every time, but still order Rice Kitchen and wait 90 minutes for delivery
- Smoke Green, Snort White!
- You've waited hours in the cold outside of a bar just to get in for the last 30 minutes
- Even though you live across the street from campus, you're still a 30 minute walk from class
- Freshman herd spotting, favorite fall pastime
- You look up to people who managed to make it until their 21st birthday without getting an M.I.P.
- You go to Ricks on Sunday, Maggies Monday, BWs on Tuesday, Harpers on Wednesday, Riv Thursday, Landshark on Friday and Tailgate, the game, home to pass out, then back out to wherever will let you in on Saturday night.
- You've gone without sleep on a friday night because tailgate started before you went to bed.
- You skipped re-taking the LSATs because it fell on Michigan/Michigan State weekend...and there was no way in hell you were going to miss that tailgate!
- You've left class early for Burgerrama
- Wednesday night is an acceptable day for Tequila night
- You can eat your roomate’s only pokie stick and it’s not gay
- Gumby isn’t just a cartoon, its a means of nutritional satisfaction
- You went to the side street deli twice as much after you learned it was going to close.
- you've gone to the bathroom at or near the fountain at the library after a night of drinking
- Everytime a freshman asks you where MAC street is you tell them where M.A.C. street is.
- You've drank liquor in the Main Library
- The only time you go to the Library on a Saturday is when you're cutting through it to go the football game.
- No weekend is complete without a quick round of slap the bag
- you live on campus and you do your grocery shopping at Totally Takeout
- Don't be silly give your cans to Willy
- If you have ever made the drunk trip from Harrison to Hagadorn
- You don't realize just how bad Ricks smells.
- your bank account is at $3 and the only thing you can think about is how you are going to get alcohol for the weekend
- You know the time-keeper did not err in the last seconds of the 2001 Michigan State/Michigan game. WE WON THAT BITCH FAIR AND SQUARE!!!
- think nothing of walking across campus in a toga in February for Izzone toga night b/c Tom Izzo and MSU Basketball is that freakin' sweet.
- You throw away perfectly good food in your fridge to make room for a 30 pack of Busch Light
- You take your cough medicine out of shot glass..
And despite being sick or not having a voice you go out to parties on Friday nights, tailgate Saturday and go out Saturday night, because why waste it...
- You love watching the people that bike to class in a blizzard and fall or want to throw snowballs at them and make them fall
- You've been told you're going to Hell by the Wells Hall Preacher.
- You ride the #1 CATA bus (downtown Lansing) just for a good laugh or a good scare.
- come home from work at 1 am and woken your roommate up to play 1 on 1 beer pong till a 30 bomb is gone...and they've been agreeable.
- You've ever been to any city in the world and suggested a roundabout would be awesome at an intersection
- Your roommate has thrown up on you at least two times in the first month of school
- The CATA can't get you to class on time, but yet it goes so fast after drinking that you've gotten sick on it.
- If you slept outside from 4pm Friday afternoon - Sunday at 10am for FINAL FOUR TICKETS to then be told "oh by the way, the sleepout is no longer, we will be having a lottery, here is a piece of paper with directions on how to sign up online, good luck!"
- You've ever gotten 3 separate parking tickets in one day.

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