Inspired by Minge

See Minge's original post and accompanying comments here.

Other than my Spartan ballcap or my Spartan beanie in winter, I usually don't wear any type of cover. Let's just say that hats aren't my thing unless they actually have a function. My ballcap is used when I'm out on sunny days. My beanie keeps my head warm when I'm out in the winter weather.

Last Friday when I was in Lafayette, I saw that their store had a rack of wild and wacky hats. I was impressed. Mishawaka didn't have these things although I had heard that we would be getting a shipment for ourselves.

So now I will make an ass of myself and post pics of myself in these ridiculous things.

This is me in Lafayette. I was tempted to wear this all day but chickened out when I found out that groups of Purdue freshmen were spotted scoping out the mall.

When I came into work on Monday, I saw that we had been sent our shipment of hats. I was excited.

If I had this during my college years, I probably would have worn it to the football games. It looks a little flat but whadda ya gonna do?

For all you foreigners who believe that this is a real football.

I don't think I have ever felt more gay than when I put on this cowboy hat.

I felt more like Swedish Chef in this one more than Uncle Sam.

Not willing to wear a crown because I detest the idea of royalty.

My favorite picture out of all of 'em.

There was also a "Crazy French Hat." It had the tricolore with a bunch of straw like things coming out of it every which way but we never took a picture of that. Also included was a Willy Wonka hat, Cat in the Hat hat, and a Pirates of the Caribbean hat. (Hey, I don't have all day to try on hats you know. I'm not Aunt Rose.)


john said…
Great pics, great hats!!!
PJS said…
And one for Mahler!
David said…
John: Thanks. For $20 you can have your very own!

PJS: Okay, google search is not helping me out here. I've found that it has something to do with a song from "Ladies Who Lunch" but I still don't get the reference. Who/What is Mahler?
PJS said…
Well you came mighty close Mr. David! You see, Minge's original post "does anyone still wear a hat", is also a quote from Elaine Stritch in "The Ladies Who Lunch" in Sondheim's "Company". Even his accompanying photo was of Elaine in Company.

When she's singing about these bored, overprivileged women and their empty lives, she lists off their extravagant average-afternoon activities (a matinee, a Pinter play, perhaps a piece of Mahler's).

What's funny is that when Elaine first heard/learned this lyric, she had no idea who/what Mahler was either.

Anyway, later in the song, she refer's back to the earlier Mahler lyric, singing "I'll drink to that... and one for Mahler!"

(Incidentally, the only reason I know any of this or have even heard of Gustav Mahler is due to my borderline-stalker obsession with Elaine Stritch.)

Short version: your post was inspired by Minge, my comment was inspired by Minge. It was all sort of indirect. Damn my obscurity!
PJS said…
for shame:

i cannot believe i randomly inserted an apostrophe in the word "refers". Things like that bother me for HOURS.

David said…
^Hey, thanks for that. I think that I would still have to see it for myself to fully understand it.

When I saw your first comment, I thought about the composer. It's the only Mahler that I am aware of so I began looking for the more obscure Mahlers. There it was in my face in a way.
Minge said…
The cowboy hat was my favourite. You look fabulous, hen.

Oh, and I'm so with you on the crown thing.
David said…
^Aww, c'mon. Don't you have any love for Queen Elizabeth? :-P

Not to dis on your system but I see Royal families as a financial burden for the state. I dunno I guess I'm much too republican (small "r") in my thinking.

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