Monday, July 17, 2006

"I'm terribly vexed."

There was issue with my wage that I discovered about a month ago. When I became an assistant manager, I was led to believe that I would get paid a certain amount of money. It wasn’t much, but I felt it was good enough to tide me over until I could either gain more experience with an internship or until I went to law-school. Well it turns out that the wage increase only goes into effect when I am actually traveling. The wage that I am at now, barely covers my bills. I can not live like that.

I am now looking for a job again. I haven’t quit the one I am at but I am looking. I have asked my friends to keep an eye out for me and so I am trying to keep my hopes up. So dear bloggers, if you know of any job possibilities, I don’t care how remote, I’d appreciate if you would contact me. I have experience in the office environment (state legislature and community services) and in retail. I’d really like to get back into an office, however.


Brenda said...

I think the part that's the worst isn't the money, but the disappoint that came with the realization. I hope you find something quickly. I'm in the middle of No Where Texas, so I doubt I can help you, but I will keep you in my thoughts and send positive thoughts your way.

Minge said...

There are loads of jobs going in Edinburgh at the moment.

PJS said...

Are you looking to stay local or to relocate? (Not that I know of anything, per se, just curious.)

David said...

Brenda: Yeah, not only do I feel disappointed but I feel kind of dumb because I should have made sure that I was getting that raise permanently when I accepted the position. Lesson learned. Thanks for you positive thoughts as well as your comment. You have my best wishes for you and your family! :)

Minge: That would be awesome if I could get a job in Britain (Well, maybe not Whales.) Not to mention it would make my Anglophile sister insanely jealous.

PJS: Even though it scarely the willies out of me, I would love to relocate. I think that getting out of this area right now may be good for me. Other than.... Alaska... and North Dakota... I really am open to anything at this point.

Anonymous said...

You should put together a resume and submit it to some headhunter places. Couldn't hurt...

Hi btw...

Anonymous said...

You're damn right it'd make me jealous, sheesh. You better believe that you'd be hosting my frequent visitations ^____^

David said...

Hey Herb! I will be starting that the next day I have off. God help the Michigan Works person who picks up my case too. Heh heh.

Anonymous said...

Hey if you are wanting to do retail at all I know that they are hiring an assistant manager at Eddie Bower and are hiring part-time at kirkland's. I understand wanting out of retail. I've only worked true retail for about 6 mo. and I am ready to give my 2 weeks notice. Good Luck. If I hear of anything I'll let you know.

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