Friday, July 14, 2006

Love ko 'to

Running so far has been going really well. In spite of the heat and humidity I have been good about getting out to the park and putting in a good effort. I'll admit that I have no real idea how far I am getting without stopping to walk, but I'd say it is at least a mile. Next Friday, if Kacey is up at State, I'll actually find out how far I am actually going.

I have already been seeing some regulars on the path running through the park. One guy said that I was doing a "good job." That made me feel great even though I could barely mutter at thanks. Actually I've gotten a few nods and it may sound weird, but it's like I've joined some kind of park society. I wonder when we'll start using names.

Usually, I complete two miles. The first mile is through running and the second is some combination of running and walking. I'm going to extend it by another mile at least even if it is only by walking. That'll happen next week or perhaps the next. It depends on how things go on Monday.

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