A through Z

Accent: Midwestern a.k.a. General American a.k.a. American Standard a.k.a. American

Booze: Miller Light when I’m cheap. Labatt when I’m at State. Guinness when I can. San Miguel when available. Whatever is free.

Chore I hate: Mowing the yard. I’m terribly allergic and it takes hours to do.

Dogs/Cats: Dogs are cool and I’m allergic to cats.

Essential Electronics: Oh damn. Let’s see… computer, cell phone, mp3 player, camera,…

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Dunno… I don’t wear any.

Gold and Silver: Um, they are expensive….?

Hometown: Depends on the context: Las Vegas, Niles, or Galien. Take your pick.

Insomnia: It must suck for people who have it.

Job Title: Assistant Manager

Kids: None

Living Arrangements: In a house with my parents but maybe that will change some time soon.

Most Admired Trait: My pragmatism.

Number of Sexual Partners: Currently or in the past? Who am I kidding? The answer for both is technically zero.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Three occasions that I am aware of.

Phobias: Balloons. Yeah… you read that right.

Quote: let’s skip this one.

Religion: Lutheran… but it seems like I’m moving towards agnosticism.

Siblings: One younger sister.

Time I usually wake up: 7:45 if I’m opening the store.

Unusual Talent: I lack talent.

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Zucchini (squash is close enough)

Worst Habit: Procrastination

X-Rays: It’s radiation…

Yummy Foods I make: Asian food. Although Erin would not agree.

Zodiac Sign: Pisces.


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