Monday, March 20, 2006


I'm putting up this post a week ahead because I need your help. Yes, you dear reader, can help me find the perfect vanity plate for my new (new for me) car!

Which one do you like?

Unfortunately S-QUIRE was taken but S-KUIRE is pretty obvious right? Of course, I don't have that yet, so it doesn't seem appropriate.

I like S-NARKY but there really isn't a set definition of what snarky really means. Generally, I take it to mean cynical or snide comments made with humor.

Opinions? Comments?
Suggestions! --If you have a cool idea, let me know. You have five spaces (S __,__,__,__,__) to use. Rules are that the characters must be A-Z, and 0-9. Spaces can be used as a place holder.

UPDATE 03/21/2006 @ 11:12am EST:
Oh, I am sorely disapointed! No responces. Tsk, tsk.

Based on discussions with Jason, Erin, and Season, I will be going with S-NARKY. Unless, I experience an extreme case of sticker shock...


Bet On Me said...

Hello! Check my collection of vanity plates at, it may give you an idea. And after you get your plate, send me a photo to!

David said...

Ah... no vanity plate for me. Sorry!

No Wait at the SOS? Am I dreaming?

I had a delightful yet unexpected experience as my local Secretary of State office. I was going there intending to use the self-service kios...