Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Holy Smokes!

I got the last of my paperwork done for the new car. Remember those vanity plate options in the previous post? Yeah, I decided not to go with that since my bill came to nearly $200. Honestly, I was thinking around half that much. So I didn’t get the vanity plate but I did get the Spartan S plate. It’s a cheaper compromise plus the yearly fees go to Michigan State. *chest puffs up* Yup, I’m doing my part as a good alumnus.

When I requested the Spartan S plate, the lady that was serving me said, “You should get a discount, ‘cause you are getting the best plate.” (Her son currently attends Michigan State.) Before I had a chance to say anything, she ran off to get some paperwork.

“Umm,” I said to the service lady at the next booth, “Who do I see about a discount?”

Yeah… I didn’t get a discount.

However, they were able to change my voter’s registration from my MSU address back to the Galien address. And they did it free of charge! Yay! Is it the only free service they do?

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