Friday, January 27, 2006

Where are your testicles now?

I suppose some of you know they story about the author of this book, "A Million Little Pieces." The guy was caught by The Smoking Gun embellishing his "memoir" so much, that it was virtually fiction. This was embarrassing for Oprah who had put in her book club as a biography. In a live episode yesterday, she had Mr. Frey on the show to confront him. And boy was she pissed. She really let him have it. I actually felt sorry for him for having to endure it. It was probably like having a root canal without Novocaine.

A while ago, Season and I went to Barnes & Noble where she picked up a copy. The author is from our area and the controversy around the story probably piqued her curiosity. She said that she was enjoying it. It's a sentiment that I keep hearing over and over again from others who have commented on it. It's a compelling read.

Personally, I'm not really outraged over it. An author lied--big surprise. Just move the book from the non-fiction section to the fiction section. Despite the gross exaggerations and outright lies, there still could be a value in the book. Fiction books can make a difference in people's lives too. If Mr. Frey had portrayed the story as being based on real life, he wouldn't be in the mess he's in now. Of course... he probably wouldn't be enjoying all the sales either.

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