Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Burn ‘em at the stake!

I admit, I am person of contradictions. Take, for instance, my distrust for government yet my desire to work for them. It’s no secret that the general public’s view of government as a necessary evil. This necessary evil being ran by people who were seen as the lesser of two evils at the time of their election. Basically, the whole thing is the work of the devil. Does that make me evil because I want to be a part of it? Hmmm…

A lobbyist named Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty yesterday to federal charges of conspiracy, tax evasion, and mail fraud. Sounds boring, I know. But the interesting thing is that he is cooperating with the prosecutors in hopes of getting a reduced sentence. These people have bigger fish to fry. They are going after members of Congress! Oh my dreams of flushing out the politicians may be coming true. [jumps up and down]

What did he do? Basically, he bribed officials with campaign contributions, gifts, trips, meals, entertainment, and job offers for them, their relatives, and staff. [raises hand] Umm, he missed me.

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-TX (who is under some heat himself) and Congressman Bob Ney, R-OH have already been named by the press as having connections to Mr. Abramoff. There is speculation that members of the administration may be connected by way of a David Safavian and a 2002 golf outing.

Mr. Abramoff’s willingness to name names is probably causing some holes in Washington to pucker up. Whether this will hurt the Republicans… I don’t know. I certainly can see it. A BBC report said that Mr. Abramoff dealt with both Democrats and Republicans with the Republicans getting a little over 60% of the funds funneled. Where they pulled that statistic, I don’t know either. While conservative pundits will say, "hey the Dems were in on it too," it is especially damaging for the Republicans since they are the majority party plus Mr. Abramoff’s own political affiliation is conservative Republican. That going along with Congressman DeLay’s own investigation, and a host of other small scandals, it doesn’t put a good face on the Republicans going into the mid-term elections.

Another contradiction: I’m a Republican and I am glad that this is happening. It’s about time that this party starts eating some of the crap it’s been dishing out. Without having some Democratic nemesis, the party has gotten to comfortable with its control. Also, the actions of the congressional and executive republicans are a complete 180 from the principals that got them there in the first place. Whatever happened to fiscal conservatism (deficits)? To smaller government (Department of Homeland Security)? To restrained international policies (“nation building”)? To adhering to law, rather than grossly interpreting it (Wire-taps)? If it takes the Democrats regaining the House and/or Senate to give a kick in the ass to the Republicans, it just might be worth it. Time for the Dept. of Justice to take out the trash!

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