My new cell

Eh, I really don't have much to blog about right now. So I'll tell you about my new phone. My old phone which is two years old now needed to be replaced. When I tried recharging it, the connection was bad. I usually had to fiddle around with it for a couple minutes before it would start to charge.

Originally, I had planned to go with Tracfone yet again. I've been with Tracfone since 1999 when I got my first cell phone. Since I still don't use the phone very often, it makes more sense for me to go with pre-paid services. Tracfone and Virgin Mobile are the giants in this field although AT&T, T-mobile, Cingular, etc... all have something to offer.

I like Tracfone because I can go anywhere in the country and it will work. This is because it can jump from network to network. Most places I go, I will have a signal. Unfortunately, I forgot about this fact when I went with Virgin Mobile which attracted me with it's price plan and options. Now I have low signals when I'm at home which sometimes dips to no signal.

Still the phone that I got (see picture) is vastly superior to the old Motorola that I was using. I'm not sure that I've learned all there is to know about this thing. Anyways, if you want the number, email me and I'll consider it. Apparently this bad boy does international calling. Ooooh. Sorry Phils, you weren't included in the list of countries I can call too. But you can still text me! Try it.


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