Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Movie "Guess Who"

Season and I went out to see a movie at Wonderland last night. There really weren’t any good pickings so I let her decide what she wanted to see. After all, I didn’t care. She went ahead with “Guess Who,” a comedy. The movie is about a white guy (Ashton Kutcher) who meets the family of his black girlfriend. Bernie Mac plays a father who is expecting his daughter to bring home a well-to-do black man but instead gets a white guy.

The movie was entertaining. Most of the comedic situations seemed rehashed but still I got some chuckles out of it. I was entertained by the overprotective father stints. The racial jokes, I still felt uncomfortable with. As some others have already mentioned, this was another “Meet the Parents” movie- just with a new twist.

The issue of interracial marriage is something that still made me uncomfortable. I don’t know why it should since I am the product of one. There was a girl that I would have liked to have dated back in high school. Unfortunately, she wasn’t interested in me. She made a comment way back then that I can still remember with extreme clarity. “My parents would never let me date a black guy. Maybe an Asian…” I didn’t know whether that was good news or not. Should I feel good that I just made her parents’ cut off for tolerance, or should I be pissed that I was near the end of it?

Season has a website dealing with racial issues. If you have the inclination, try out ebonyivoryme.com. They would love to have new signups.

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