It's a beautiful day

Remember that scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off where he gets up out of bed, opens the window and asks how anyone could go to school on a day like this? That's exactly what I was thinking as I got up this morning. Within two days, the temps have shot up to the mid 70's (or 22-23 for you metric people). I love it and had to go out an experience the sun.

I went over to the Niles library and sat out on their out door tables and did some of my job search work. I made my call to MI Rep. Hansen's office to see if that Legislative Assistant position is still open. The office must not have been open because I kept getting their messaging system. When I was through, I went into the building briefly to check my email. While I was checking my MSU account, I saw an odd message that came from a guy I knew from AFROTC. Totally odd. I thought it might be a virus but I sent him a message on my own. Who knows maybe he'll respond. I haven't spoken or seen him since I left 3 years ago.

There was still a couple hours before dinner so I decided to cruise around. Given the current gas prices, it probably was a stupid idea. Yet, the opportunity to drive with your window down, along the back roads and along the lake shore, was too good to pass up.

And of course we come to the dark side of all this good weather... we are under a tornado watch. They've already had one touch down in Illinois and all that good stuff is heading our way. God I love the Midwest.


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