Friday, December 03, 2004

Racing to the end (but resisting)

My last days here are fast approaching...

Today at work, I had a lot of fun. When I came in, I thought that this was going to be one of the crappiest days ever. Before I had made it into the House Office Building, the spool for my ID badge had broke which would have caused my badge to hang just above my knees. Then when I got into the office, I noticed that I had left mailing labels in the printer and were printed on-- again! I made the same mistake just the day before. It certainly didn't bode well for my evaluation that my supervisor was going to complete that day.

Yet, at the end, I was feeling upbeat. I had on my own solved a large constituent problem concering broadband access coverage in Berrien County. One of the constituents even wrote back and said that he appreciated the depth of my response. My evaulation turned out better than I expected. I really hope that Derek's comments were genuine because all through this semester, I felt that I wasn't working up to their expectations.

And to top it off... a slider from Krispy Kreme! Nothing can cheer this fat ass up like a artery clogging donut from Krispy Kreme.

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