Ken Jennings loses

I'm a Jeopardy watcher... at least I watch it whenever I can. This summer, my two neighbors and I watched the show and saw Ken Jennings emerge from obscurity. Jeopardy had recently changed their rules and now allow champions to return as long as they keep on winning. Previously, a champion could only come back to complete five episodes. For the rest of the summer, we kept track of Ken Jennings to see how he would do. It was amazing that this guy was going on for so long. Then the end of summer came and the show ended its season... so Ken was going to come back.

Well, I never thought that he would have lasted this long but tonight the end came for him. On his 75th episode, he missed the question allowing Nancy Zerg to win. The answer was, "Most of this firm's 70,000 seasonal white-collar workers work only four months a year." Mrs. Zerg wrote, "What is H&R Bock?" which was correct. At that point, she was one dollar ahead of Ken. Ken still had a chance to win if he had the correct answer and if he bet more than one dollar. But alas, he questioned, "What is FedEx?" As soon as that was revealed, he gave a little tap on his stand and you could hear gasps and groans from the audience. At the end, the show showed the audience which gave him a standing ovation.

Ken was awesome and I bow to his superior trivia knowledge, but I'm glad that he is going to have to move on. Best of luck to him.


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