Saturday, December 11, 2004


had to have a picture... Posted by Hello

Well today I walked. Although it's not official yet, but I've taken the symbolic step to being an alumnus of Michigan State University.

The day wasn't starting off very well. I called my parents while I was getting ready. They said that they would not be coming to pick me up. So I wouldn't see them until after the ceremony. I stayed on the concourse in case Liz decided to call me on the cell. But with time running out, I went downstairs. While I was going to the line, she and Megan (also from the cafe) waved me down and I cut in line. It was good that the person that I cut in front of was not offended. She said that I should be with friends.

We marched out there and took our seats. I looked up in the seating on the slim chance that I might see my parents. But, I decided not to worry about it. The whole ceremony didn't seem to take that long. The individual recognitions seemed to be short. Only was the guess speaker's speech seemed to cause time to stand still.

Unlike in high school, there wasn't a time where we threw our caps in the air. Granted there were quite a few people who did toss their caps out but the great majority did not. I paid money for my cap and tassel. I wasn't going to just throw them away!

When I got back up to the concourse, I saw Christian, Jaemi, and Jeff along with some other Filipinos. I didn't know it, but Rob was graduating too. I wonder why he didn't mention it before. But I stayed with them until Rob showed up and I congratulated him when he did.

Kris found me and brought me to where Mom and Dad were. They took me out to lunch at Golden Wok where we had a good lunch. I gave them a few things to bring home and they left around 2:30 so they can get home in time to make dinner.

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