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I don't think that I have enjoyed my internship half as much as I am now. Could it be that I am missing what I will soon not have? Could it be that maybe I'm getting the hang of it? I do know that leaving now is a bit awkward. I wish that I had another semester to stay with them.

On Tuesday, Neal gave Derek, Chris and me some Christmas gifts. Neal took a trip to Indiana and bought them each two cartons of cigarettes. Now that I think of it, he had asked me a week earlier if I smoked as well. I told him that I didn't. I got a card and a $50 gift card for Speedway.

Today, I went into the Capitol and saw the House in session for about half an hour. I think the Representative was planning to announce my presence to the floor (or however they term it), but there was some procedure in which none of the reps could talk.

Tomorrow, I may have another chance as the House will be in session once again. I vaguely remember something about Derek saying something about lunch, but we'll see.


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