Reception at the President's house

President and Mrs. Peter McPherson
request the pleasure of you,
the graduating student,
at a
Reception for Fall Semester Graduates
Michigan State University
on Monday, November 29, 2004
6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
at Cowles House

A few weeks ago, I got this invitation in the mail. Although, I only know of one other person who is graduating with me, I wasn't sure that I would be comfortable at this event. Surely Liz would not be going. Yet, I had this nagging feeling that I should go. This was an opportunity that only comes once. I would have a chance to actually go to President McPherson's house and meet him in person. Even if I knew no one there, I thought that I should give it a go.
Sometime last week, I asked Liz if she was planning to go. She said that she did plan on going, but we didn't really make any plans to go together. More likely, we were just going to meet up with each other should we decide to go. At that time, I was still not committed to going. Then this weekend I made the decision to go for it.
With the reception starting at six, I had an hour to get home and get ready. I wanted to get a hole of Liz first to ask her what kind of attire would be appropriate, however she was not home. I thought that it would be safe if I wore my suit. It turned out to be a good choice. Although a lot of people came in semi-casual (that is a slacks and a shirt), I didn't stick out. There were quite a few who dressed like me. Also, Liz turned out looking great in her outfit.
I arrived a little past six following a small group to the door. I met two Univeristy officials who I did not know. I think one of them was from the Board of Trustees but I could be wrong. President McPherson was at the end, shaking hands of those who came in. I'm not good at this stuff so I managed to say, "Good evening sir, it's nice to meet you." He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "congratulations and welcome."
I made my way though to the living room where I made my name tag and got a drink of soda. I didn't see Liz there yet, but I did see that Mike Glasby was there. Mike lived across from me when I first moved into Phillips as a freshmen. Although we've never been friends, we've ran across each other over the years. I last talked to him towards the beginning of the semester. I thought that he was going to stay for the next semester, but I guess he's out of here as well. So I chatted with him for a little while.
I got something to eat and while I was coming out of the serving area I saw Liz. I got a hold of her and we talked about this and that. We were able to find a relatively isolated room on the eastern side of the house. We looked at some of the President's knick knacks. There were a couple notable things that came from the orient, a signed football, a congratulatory check by the IRS, and more.
While we were in there, we heard some clapping and we went out to hear a short speech from the President. He introduced us to his new grandkid. When he was done, he passed by Liz and I and Liz did some shmoozing. We returned to the room and talked a little more about how we would donate money. It was a bit odd to talk about what we would do with money we had not earned yet.
We left a little after seven. When we left, we went to the back of the house to see the tree that one of the room surrounds. It as if the tree grows out from the house. It was kind of interesting to see. I'm glad that I went tonight. Even if Mike or Liz had not showed up, I can at least say that I've been in the President's house. Honestly, not many Spartans can say that.


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