If you’ve seen me, you might not believe me when I say that I do not upsize my fast food orders. This was not so in the high school days when supersizing was a measly 39¢ and I was constantly hungry. When I went to the Philippines, I had to do start upsizing because their regular sizes, are our kiddie sizes. Seriously, their drinks were like bloated Dixie cups. I wish I had taken a picture of it but to get an idea of just how small Filipino portion sizes are, check out this photo:
Anyways, I went ahead with the large McDonalds meal and when I was through with it, I just wanted to crawl under my desk and take a nap. It was the fries that did me in. I swear there must’ve been an equivalent of three potatoes sliced, fried, and salted. Blech.
But I did get my coke glass.
its hard to say no to "free"
Never, never get the super sized meal at McDonalds. That is a coma inducing meal waiting to happen.
@John: I don't supersize my meals. I'm always more interested in the burgers. When you upsize, those never change. All you get is more fries and more drink. I don't care for that as much. But yeah, I sure wanted to take a nap!
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