Saturday, February 07, 2009


So this is the scene from my front door today as the temperatures got up in to the 50’s (about 11C for those who like to think in those terms). The snow is just melting away and I’m talking about a foot and half of compacted snow. Do you know what this means to us Michiganders? Time to break out the shorts! We’re such an odd bunch because if this were fall, we’d be jumping into winter clothes.

The bee hives were checked today and one of them didn't make it. One is weak and the last is strong. We've still got a ways to go 'till spring so we'll keep our fingers crossed.


John Provis said...

50's Fahrenheit is a definite improvement on below freezing... we just had the hottest day ever recorded in Melbourne yesterday, at 46.4C (115.5F) plus gale-force hot northerly winds - which is very much like standing in front of a giant hairdryer or fan-forced oven all day. The temperature readout in my car was showing 49C driving along the freeway - I do like heat, but this is just starting to get a little silly...

David said...

Yeah, I heard something on the news about something about the heat and fires going on down there. Seems pretty nasty. Occasionally we'll break into the triple digits but it's not the heat we really complain about but the humidity.

john said...

Wow, beehives?

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't break out the shorts, but I did run around without a jacket and wade through a lot of puddles.

You keep bees? Cool.

Kapitano said...

Can we see the bees?

And you in your beekeeper suit and net.

(Or shorts).

David said...

^Not any time soon. I rarely go anywhere near them. I'm not scared of them or anything but the bees are my Dad's thing.

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