Sunday, February 01, 2009


There’s a 25 Random Things [About Me] meme going around on Facebook. I’ve been tagged a few times and I want to do it but I can’t come up with 25 things. It’s been a larger part of this general mood that I’ve been in for the past couple of weeks which is why I haven’t been posting as much either. I’m feeling like a lump poo. I’ve got very little interest in doing anything—even something as making up a blog post or filling out a meme.

So I’m going to suck it up. First, here is your blog post. 25 Things about David are going up on Facebook in just a few minutes. I’d tag people but I think basically everyone that I know has been tagged already. Yeah, I’m that late.


Anonymous said...

I think it's the weather that's making us all so apathetic. I did hear a very sweet sound today though—the drip-drip of melting snow.

Sooo-this-is-me said...

Feeling the poo-ness in life at the moment as well. Must be all this snow and cold, maybe I need to do crack.... no no just kidding but I feel down these days.

*Hugs buddy*

Kapitano said...

I think you should start a meme of "25 completely and utterly untrue things about me".

Anonymous said...

I haven't done the 25 random things either. I am still trying to think of 25 things that anyone other than Jed will find interesting enough to read.

David said...

^Let's see. You raised evil llamas (and they were evil, people), drove a blue bus in high school, and taught a math class before earning a teaching certificate. See? And that's just starting. Be glad I'm not writing about other things.

john said...

See this is the reason I don't think "keep in touches" like facebook, myspace, Hi5 and classmates are really keep in touches, they are just on-line games you play with your friends. Just too much of a bother for me.

David said...

^That's too many to subscribe to. I'm on facebook. My friends are on facebook and I maintain contact with most of them. It's just not for you.

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