Friday, April 18, 2008

My bed's shakin' for different reason.

Hail Storm
Volcanic Eruption

Call me crazy but there are natural disasters that I want to say I’ve experienced. Granted that’s horrible since natural disasters cost lives and resources but deep down inside me, I’m always looking forward to one.

Today we had an earthquake. It was early in the morning when I woke up to my bed shaking. You know how when you are driving your car and on windy days, it tosses you around a little? That’s what it felt like. At the time, I thought that it was the wind and that somehow some strong gusts must be transferring their kinetic energy through the walls which touch my bed. Even then, I knew that something like that has never happened before but I was so sleepy that I just dismissed it.

When I woke up, I heard on the radio that there was an earthquake in southern Indiana by Evansville. It was a 5.2 and was strong enough to be felt up here in Michiana. I was just in the middle of saying, “I didn’t feel an…” when it dawned on me that I had, indeed, felt the earthquake. I was excited. Sure, it was small and sure, I didn’t know what it was when I felt it, but it’s good enough for me. Scratch another off my list.

The earthquake was the topic of conversation. “Did you feel it?” “What did it feel like to you?” “Did you see anything move?” There were some people like Ed who said that they didn’t feel anything. I’m sure that many people out there would probably wonder why we were making a big deal about it. After all, the event was so small in this area that it went unnoticed by a large number of people. I think they would have to understand that the Midwest is largely free from seismic activity. In all my time living here, this is the first.


Kristel said...

Yeah, apparently it was felt up here, but I definitely wasn't awake or going to wake up 'that' early to a little bed shaking. :P

Anonymous said...

I SO recognize your earthquake experience! We NEVER have earthquakes in Europe. Not a Faultline in sight. But we had a small one somewhere in the early nineties. My bed also shook a little, but I didn't really pay notice. Then the next day everybody was talking about 'THE QUAKE'. It was kind of fun.

Cardinal said...

Maybe just like there are people with a certain genetic disposition to taste certain things, you have a disposition to feel certain things, like a 5.2 earthquake in another state. Maybe that could be your superhero power!

I got the tornado experience down, but not the hurricane. Touche.

David said...

@Oscar: I would imagine that you and your countrymen would be most concerned about flooding. I know that Louisianans were bringing in Dutch engineers to find ways of protecting New Orleans. After all that consulting, the Americans decided to rebuild and add an inch. At least your engineers got a nice trip!

@Zac: Hurricanes are awesome especially if you are "lucky" enough to have the eye pass over you. I hope I never forget that memory.

Stacey said...

hey...if you come and visit us, maybe you can make volcanic eruption a reality! Also... you forgot about tsunamis

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