Saturday, March 01, 2008

I hope they came up with good material while they were on strike.

I must say that I was disappointed with last night's Stargate Atlantis episode. It was the second part which dealt with the newly discovered Carson Beckett that the team thought had died. Well it wasn't the real Carson. It was a clone. So blah blah blah, we find out that this Carson has a degenerative condition and is about to die so they stick him in a stasis pod until a cure can be found.

Look, I'm incredibly glad that Carson was brought back. Personally, I think he needs to be brought back permanently. Like i said before, after Rodney, Carson was/is my second favorite character of the series. As much as I appreciate seeing him, I think that the way it was done was down right horrible.

There was no need for a Carson character in this story line. It felt like it was an insert, a filler, a frakin' gimmick. If they are going to bring characters back from the dead, at least give them some meat. Make them critical to the story line. I would much rather have Carson Mark II make a critical contribution to the entire storyline and then die than have a half-assed episode devoted to him and then shelve him for future use. He's not a box of spaghetti, you know.

This show seems to be falling apart from me. First Carson dies and then Weir. Carter comes on but seems horribly out of place. The Replicator story line suddenly ends and the Weir-Replicator story line is introduced but will probably be forgotten as the actress that plays Weir will not be coming back next season.


See also:


Kapitano said...

Lord, is that show still going? I gave up on SG1 (Stargate Classic? Original Stargate? Stargate before Atlantis?) after season six.

I hear the Sarah Conner Chronicles is good - though it'll be a year or so before I get to see it.

David said...

^Awww, I liked where SG-1 was going and was disappointed that I wasn't going to see more seasons.

I've avoided watching the Sarah Conner Chronicles. I've already seen T3 so I've got a history built up in my head. Besides, I think I watch enough television already!

Cardinal said...

Dude, no joke, the winter storm that ripped through my area Friday night knocked out the satellite service 15 minutes into Atlantis! All my DVR recorded after the initial few minutes is garbled mess. So you need to fill me in.

Also, I remember reading somewhere that one of the biggest regrets of one of the show's head honchos was killing off Carson in the first place. I guess he didn't realize how many fans the character had, and maybe this is his way of potentially bringing the actor back on the show at some point.

How was your weekend, by the way? I tried texting you, yo.

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