Friday, February 15, 2008

A Prediction to Come True?

Back towards the last years of the Clinton administration (I remember because I was in high school), one of commentators on some political show said that America would have a black president before a woman president. At the time I was doubtful. If the UK had Thatcher and the Philippines had Aquino, I would have thought that a white woman would make it to the Presidency before a black man would. I laugh at it now, but back then I did not think that Hillary Clinton would President of the United States--because she already was. My thought was, "wouldn't it be cool if Colin Powell was President."

With Obama's lead in the delegate count, it seems that he may get the party's nomination. Given the current state of the Republican Party, Barak Obama could be fulfilling that commentator's prophecy.

Am I bit upset that Obama may be the next president? When it comes to political philosophy, yes--absolutely. On everything else, I'm actually a little relived. I said that if it was between Hillary and him, I'd prefer Hillary but there has always been the family dynasty issue. Another 4, maybe 8, years of the Clinton family? Ugh. And just imagine if Jeb decides to make a go of it. I'd have to ask my Rep and Senators to amend the constitution so that one of the requirements for the office is that the candidate can not be a Bush or a Clinton. So yes, latching on to Obama's campaign, I am eager for something new and refreshing. But will I dislike change? Conservatives usually do. :-P

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