f#&i^@ Hell!

You #%)-damned !&@cK!^# writers! Now the new Star Trek movie is being pushed to May 2009. It's like Battlestar Galactica all over again.

[storms off]


Kapitano said…
Heh. That was the one connecting the "Enterprise" era with with the "Original Series" era...with Leonard Nimoy booked to appear but not William Shatner?

I reckon I'm in the majority of trekkies who calmly predict that it'll be a steaming pile of metaphorical cinematic dogpoo. Simply because (a) the last two trek movies were cack, (b) Enterprise was cack, and (c) Everything involving Brannon Braga is cack.
David said…
Kapitano, Star Trek has hit rock bottom. It has nowhere to go but up.

As for point A. Everything after Star Trek VI (best movie of them all BTW) was crap. First Contact came close but I still rank it below The Voyage Home and The Wrath of Khan.

Point B. I liked Enterprise! I hated the stupid Temporal Cold war which made no sense to me when they wrapped that arc up. I hated the Xindi arc. But that last season with the augments, Vulcan, and the Mirror Universe--fantastic.

Point C. Well, what do you expect from an atheist? :-P He had some excellent stuff--although he was responsible for some of my most hated episodes. "Frame of Mind" comes immediately to mine.

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