Friday, January 25, 2008

Yes, I'd like some double E's please.

As I mentioned before, I took my car in to find out if there might have been damage after finding the oil cap off of my engine. The sheet that Saturn gave me when I was cashing out said that I needed to have my car battery serviced. Fine, so I jotted down a note in my head. I'd get a battery over the weekend. Well this morning, my car had difficulty starting up and the service engine light turned on. Mind you, it was negative five degrees out--Fahrenheit just in case you metric people were rolling your eyes. I assumed the battery was on its death bed. After work I took it over to Wal-mart. While they were supposed to be installing my battery for me, I got paged. It turns out that I was being "denied" because they couldn't get the battery out. Something to do with it being attached to the fuse box or whatever. I resigned myself to having to go to the Saturn dealership again. Not so fast, though! The guy said that he ran a check and found out that my battery didn't need to be changed at all. It turns out that the connections were loose and he tightened them back up. No charge and I saved fifty bucks. Score five points back to Wal-mart.

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