Monday, January 28, 2008

How did I get from emigration to sex?

As I had mentioned in a previous post, I went up to Michigan State University on Saturday where I met up with Christine. It's been a few years since I saw her last and it was great to have the opportunity to catch up with each other. I'm happy to say that she seems to be doing well. She will be graduating from the masters program this May and is already going for a PhD. [looks down and scuffs the dirt] I want a PhD.

I asked her if she wanted to stay here in the US. She said that she didn't know but I got the feeling that she would if she could get a great job even though she does miss the Philippines. A few minutes later she said, "It makes me mad when people ask me that."

"I insulted you by asking if you wanted to stay here?" I asked.

"No. People ask me if I am going to get married so that I can stay here."

For the record, I never asked if she was going to get married. But there is this stereotype that Filipinas will attach themselves to the first American guy then can get in hopes of marrying them and emigrating to America. It happens. No use in denying it. She gets insulted (and I think rightly) when people assume that she is going to do the same thing.

My line of thinking was, "Wow. She's going to be a doctor. She's going to have a great job and contribute more to society than I am doing right now." I'm proud of my country and I'd be more than happy to have her and others like her come here. Brain draining the entire world so that America benefits, what could possibly be wrong with that?

Anyways, I'm getting off the track here. She did say that she had been seeing someone but they had broken up. As she told me the story, I knew that it was a good thing. Strike 1: he's a medical student. Strike 2: he's from Ann Arbor (and you know that means. Strike 3: He was pressuring her into losing her virginity. He's outta there!

Finding a virgin who is in their mid twenties is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Or is it? Off the top of my head, I can name three. Okay so one is me... the other is her... and the third is a guy who I swear is a closeted homo hiding behind religious dogma. There isn't anything wrong with the fact that we've never been poked but personally, I think it sucks. Still, for her I admire that she has convictions. As for the guy #3, I think the convictions aren't genuine so he doesn't get any brownie points from me. And as for me, I just haven't had the opportunity.

I'm reading an interesting book right now by Dan Savage who admits to having extramarital sex in the presence of his boyfriend. They don't claim to be strictly monogamous and that if a certain set of improbable circumstances present themselves, they'd be open to having sex with other people. And that's pretty much where I am--waiting for that one-in-a-thousand chance to get laid.

Hmmm, that still makes me sound like a slut-- one that's not getting any offers. Let me put it another way. I have such a high expectations of myself and a potential partner that the prospect of having sex is very low, at least in the beginning. Because, like Christine's ex, who wants to put up with a prude? I'm not saying that I'm going to wait for marriage to have sex (It's not like I'm living in Massachusetts ya know) but there's got to be some thing there.

But what do I know?


Sooo-this-is-me said...

Nothing wrong in waiting until it feels like the right moment for you. Reading Dan Savage may turn you into a slutty Mo though! ;)


David said...

In that case, I'm off to buy one of his books.

Anonymous said...

You simply MUST go to Chicago on your own to sort out what's what. How long do you intend to live where you are and wait for Prince Charming to show up in Nillo, Michigan, or wherever! Self-actualization, sweetie!

David said...

^Well Edna, if you've got a spare room and are willing to put up with me for a few months (rent free) while I look for a job, I'd be more than happy to relocate!

Okay, first I'd have to find out more about you. But thanks for commenting!

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