Saturday, October 27, 2007

Not for Halloween

The outing to Truman's for the Miss TEC Pageant was fun. I wish it had been a bigger group than just Erin, [Erin's friend], and myself. Sara never responded. Michele, Laura, Mark, and Danielle never showed. But still we three managed to enjoy ourselves.

An old classmate of mine--let's call him John--was a contestant and I wanted to see him do his thing. And although I'm not 100% comfortable, I thought that stepping out of my comfort zone, even just a little bit, would be good for me. Plus, if I got hit on by a guy, it would totally make my night.

There were only three contestants this year. Contestant One looked--or had to be--MtF. And boy did she go to town with the implants. She reminded me of that cat lady. You know, the one that had surgery to make herself look like a cat. Contestant Two was a large white person. Looked like what I expect a drag queen to be. And then Contestant Three was a John.

As much as I wanted to root for John, he clearly was outmatched by the other two. I was sitting there thinking that he needed to smile more, sway more, choose better outfits. Seriously his evening gown looked like a Disney princess dress. A green princess dress with red haired wig that went into a ponytail. It was like looking at Princess Fiona.

Contestant Two had a winning game plan. You could tell that she put a lot of thought and effort into it. This was plainly evident in the talent portion where she blew the crowd away with a dance number that involved other dancers in choreography, use of props, and theme. It was so good that it should have been on TV. The standing ovation was well deserved.

Contestant One... well... I just couldn't stop thinking about balloons being inserted underneath the skin and being inflated. Wow.

In between the pageant categories, the crowd was entertained by other drag queens to allow the contestants to change. This one in particular-- Miss Jasmine was hilarious. She did not grace the stage with her presence enough.

All in all it was a great time. You know, once you get over the fact that these are not exactly women and you go with it--it can actually be a blast. I just have to remember to bring more dollar bills with me next time.


Mo and The Purries said...

Ha - drag shows can be fun.
I love your description of the "Disney Princess" dress.
So, did you get hit on???

David said...

Sadly no. I got nothing. Not even a glance. Well, I did get grinded against by a drag queen but don't they target straight men?

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