"Whatever. You have things too."
Guilty. I do. There are plenty of things that I have to do or whatever that I think makes me a little off. (I think it's time to start a new category) I blame this on the military upbringing, I swear. For example, my shoe laces must always be right over left. My gig line has to be in order always. And for something that occured at work:
I insist on toilet rolls that roll ever the top rather than under.
As you can see from these two pictures that I took at work, I will go so far as to change it if I can.
Oh there's plenty more, I'm sure .
That's got nothing to do with a military upbringing pet. I'm the same and I've never had any connection with the armed forces. Well I've had a few incursions but not as a lad!
If you saw my bedroom you might not think so, but there are many things where I have such an attention to detail. It came in useful when I became my flight's Stando (Standardization Officer) back in college.
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