C'mon Rain!

It's raining like crazy in the plains but we're dying of thirst here in the Great Lakes region. We need some rain soon. Here are some pics from my back yard.


Moncrief Speaks said…
You live on a farm? Do you think you'll be there in ten years?
David said…
I technically don't live on a farm. The property that my parents' house is on does have have a garden. Most of the crops we do grow are on the family farm located in Benton Harbor. If given the opportunity, I'd be out of here ASAP. Even if nothing turns up, I plan to be out of here no matter what by the time summer classes start up at Michigan State.
Moncrief Speaks said…
Hallejuah! Praise the baby Jesus!*

*Talladega Nights reference, hen. Don't be offended.
David said…
For the rain that we got last night or the fact that I'm leaving? :-) I'll take it is as the latter.

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