Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'll Go With...

Senator Barak Obama has announced his candidacy for the presidency the other day. I was listening to a live broadcast of Sen. Obama’s speech and was growing more impatient with each passing second. Like most speeches that I hear, it was full of empty promises regarding education, poverty, health care, blah, blah, blah. It’s the same crap over and over again. I have reached the point where I want to surgically remove the vocal chords of every person in congress until they can finally put our money where their mouths are.

It is still early for the 2008 presidential election, but the field of candidates for both parties so far is not impressive. I’m not even sure who is really in this race yet. Who do we have for republicans so far? Arizona Sen. McCain, Massachusetts Gov. Romney, New York City Mayor Giuliani? And the democrats? Illinois Sen. Obama, New York Sen. Clinton, and North Carolina Sen. Edwards?

In general, I favor governor candidates. I think that the governorships provide the smoothest transition for any politician into the Oval Office. So far on that list is Gov. Romney and while he a fellow Michigander (his father was Michigan Governor George Romney), I am disturbed by his move towards social conservatism. A part of me would like to see Gov. Jeb Bush throw his hat into the ring, but a larger part of me has distaste for political dynasties. I feel that it is detrimental to the republic. Right now I am cool on the republican offerings.

The democrats are far more interesting. Of Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, I favor Clinton. I know I said that I don’t like dynasties but of the three, I think Sen. Clinton would be a far more capable president having more experience being co-president with Bill for eight years and more resources to exploit within the party and her own personal network. But, the one democrat that I am hoping to see step up is New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Personally, if Gov. Bill Richardson decided to run and emerged as the democratic candidate, I probably would vote for him no matter who the republicans pick. Unfortunately, I don’t think that anyone will give him the attention that he needs to make it.


Brian Farrey said...

For me, it's way too early in the game to get excited about anyone. I tend to be a "let the primaries sort it out and then consider" kinda guy. Does that make me bad? Probably.

But it's way too early.

David said...

Well, we could make presidential terms longer. Say, a six year term? Then you'd have a year and half of not having to deal with a presidential election. Of course that might not sound so good for a lot of people. President Bush might be in year seven of twelve.

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