Saturday, October 28, 2006

They make me feel slimy.

The emails are coming in with the elections only days away. My poor yahoo account. It is swamped with political messages from governors and politicians that I have never heard of. A new one came into my box today from the RNC. They want me to provide my cell phone number in order to join GOP Mobile. "GOP Mobile means you can stay informed and be an activist whether you're waiting in line at the store or out and about on your lunch break." [sarcasm]That sounds so awesome![/sarcasm] The thought of getting spamned on my cell makes me want to vomit. They're already bombarding me with crap on the TV, radio, internet, email, snail mail, and phone. Screw them if they think I am going to let them have access to the one communication device left between me and the people I actually want to talk with.

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