Saturday, October 28, 2006

Halloween TONIGHT

*Distracting myself from the MSU/IU game*

Galien is holding Trick or Treat this evening so my Aunt is bringing the little sprogs over in about an hour. I haven't seen them in a while so I volunteered to go walking with them. I think that they will be a little more animated this year. Now that they are able to walk and--good grief--run, I might have to exert some energy to keep up with them.

After that and consuming my fee, I will head on over to Carrie and Justin's party. It sounds like it is going to be a huge blast. I'm going as an M&M. Partly because I want to make fun of myself for working in a candy store and partly because, the costume was free and available. Pictures? I doubt it. But you never know...

UPDATE 30 October:


Minge said...

Please provide a picture. Especially if someone tries to eat you.

Kapitano said...

An old song springs to mind: "I met him at the candy store. Get the pictures?"

Yes, well. It seemed vaguely appropriate.

Why is it, parents spend all year warning their children never to accept sweets from adults they don't know, and sometimes warning them of the dangers of dabbling in the occult...then at Halloween expect the youngsters to go out dressed as pagans, asking for sweets from strangers.

It's even worse than Christmas - the only night of the year when a strange old man is allowed to creep into young kids bedrooms and leave them seductive gifts. Most odd.

David said...

@Minge: Sorry no pictures. Truthfully, I didn't take any while I was at the party. But I was tempted to take a picture of some twigs and berries. Some guy dressed like Adam (the biblical figure).

@Kapitano: There's no asking. It's plain extortion. I take it you've never had your house egged before? :-P

Old Disney World - One Last Ride

This past fall I decided to take a small trip back to Disney World. There were reports that large portions of the parks were going to be tor...