I didn't realize you updated

There's something wrong with my browser or maybe it's blogger but sometimes people's sites don't show up as current. A few months ago I noticed it with Minge's site. Every time I would type in his URL or clicked on his link, I would get to his page. For a while, it looked like he hadn't updated. I kept arriving at the same date. Then one day, after checking his site out again, I find out that he has been updating for three weeks!

I found three more blogs that have been doing this. This weekend, I will be putting blogs on RSS feeds. It slows down my browser, but at least I can be sure that the blogs I'm looking at are current.


Brian Farrey said…
Are you using Firefox? I've noticed that when I use Firefox. I have to hit refresh to get current content. Haven't figured out how to fix it yet.
David said…
I am using Firefox and I have used the refresh button but it didn't work. So I'm using their RSS feed thingy and so far it's working.

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