Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You won't have to cover your eyes.

I've got a MySpace account but I don't use it too often. I don't have many friends. The friends that I do have are old farts that would rather use their phones for actual phone calls than text, and whose familiarity with the internet is limited to mostly email and porn. J/K. Occassionally I get a message from the MySpace site that tells me that someone is requesting me to join some group. Lately, I've been getting this over and over:

Hi David,

You have been invited to join the sexies on live webcams group on

Love to but trust me, you don't want to see any of this. *shudder*



john said...

I got that invitation once.

Anonymous said...

I once got 40 porn spam invites in one day. For real 40.

David said...

@John: So... did you join? :-P

@Herb: I used to get spam up the wazoo when I used hotmail. Since switching to gmail I haven't gotten a single one. Totally serious. Guess they haven't found it yet. But if only they knew the person they were sending it to...

PJS said...

In a perhaps futile attempt to retain some shred of dignity as I age, I have thus far resisted the temptation to set up a MySpace account.

I don't know why I've randomly decided that Blogger is OK for a thirtysomething and MySpace isn't, but there you have it.

David said...

PJS, MySpace is too complicated and too hip for this twentysomething. I guess I'm stuck with you oldsters. BTW, I have noticed that most of the blogs that I am interested in are authored by thirtysomethings.

Brian Farrey said...

Well...do I have to pay to see it? Because I don't pay to see nothing.

Now if you're willing to turn on the webcam for free, well, that I can live with.

Your choice.

David said...

Oh hell no.

I think I would have to pay you to watch me.

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